Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fieldtrips and dreams..

This is Alissa and Jon with their buddies.. went on a field trip to Roth's with Alissa's class. It was a hoot! Alissa and Jon got to make and decorate their own cupcakes and pizza. They got to tour the giant refrigerator and discuss apples. It was a great time.

On the dreams...
Matt and I found the perfect house. It is HUGE and beautiful... two story 3000 squ ft with a play room and office and three bedroom. The owner is desperate and going into foreclosure so lowered the price 75k!! But alas, with everything going as it is going with the economy I doubt we are going to be able to get a loan. It is really kind of depressing to have this unbelievable deal and a house I could finally be comfortable in and proud of at our fingertips but the ever important money issue stands in our way. The family across the street is even friends of ours! It would be just perfect, next to a park.. I am 90% sure we will not get the loan, but it is so hard not to dream the what-ifs you know? So we will try, and try not to be too bummed if we don't get to move in. Did I mention there is even a 50's front porch? With the little fence.. it is SCREAMING for a rocking chair and lots of lazy evenings chatting with neighbors sipping lemonade. Sigh..

Saturday, November 8, 2008

GG's House and the pumpkin patch.

Forgive me, but these pictures are all from October :) I need to catch up!! First off, Alissa went on her first school field trip to Bauman Farm for the pumpkin patch. She loved feeding and petting all the animals, watching them made apple cider, picking a pumpkin a gourd and an Indian corn, and riding the hay wagon. A good friend asked me to watch her two kids that day so it was a bit of a handful - luckily Matt was off work and came with us! We have also been spending a lot of time at GG's house. She is getting ready to disappear for the winter to sunny Arizona. This lovely picture was taken by Alissa - my budding photographer.

We spend a lot of time at the park enjoying the last few sunny days before the clouds roll in. Alissa likes to put bread on the end of a stick and go fishing for minnows! Jonathan just likes to throw rocks in the water.

Much much more to come! I need to catch up! But for now the kiddos are awake and hungry..priorities!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Happy (late) Halloween!

From a couple of pirates and their dog. Yes, I am still alive. I will update this very soon. I am WAY behind and it will be a long post. Tonight I need some sleep!!

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