Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Matt the pilot.

So we finally got to go on our plane trip. We were told it was going to be a "scenic flight over Salem" what we were not told was that one of US would fly the plane! Imagine our surprise when the owner of the Cessna looked at us and popped the question, "So, who's flying today?"..umm...is that a trick question?? So of course I pointed at Matt and he pointed at me, but we both know who the future pilot in the family is and it is CERTAINLY not me. So, I won the pointing contest and Matt sat down for his half hour pre-flight lesson. After the lesson we went out to the plane for a pre-flight check (a very thorough one at that, I wasn't complaining).
During the check there was lots of waving on my part to the kiddos who were there a ways away behind a fence with GG, Grandma Davis, and Bethany. We got situated in the plane.. belted in, headsets on, engine started... I'm stuck in the backseat..and THEN she informs me that Matt will be handling take off all by himself...umm..
Yep..that was my reaction. But no worries, he did a fantastic job getting us off the ground. It was a bit bumpy and his turns were a bit rough.. but overall I was very proud of my pilot hubby. Here was the view out my window --

Not too bad eh? Directly after the flight I snapped this picture of Matt with his "I just flew a plane how cool is that" permagrin. Priceless.

Safely aground and with engine off the kids got to come check out the plane. Alissa was a natural.

Course this picture is a bit funny.. when Jonathan sees it he keeps asking what Ali has in her nose. Hehe.
So in summary it was a terrific flight.. we flew northeast over Silverton and then finally Silver Falls state park.. which was great except from above all you see is trees. Just beautiful either way.


Laura said...

That is so great!!

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