Friday, August 28, 2009


Every week Jonathan listens intently for his favorite person - the TRASH MAN! If you ask Jonathan when the trash man comes he will quickly respond, "The trash man comes on Friiiiiday's." In fact if you ask him when Grandma Davis' trash man comes he responds, "Gramma Davis' trash man comes on Tursday's". Jonathan recently turned 3 years old and wanted a "Trash man and Digger Party"... and that is exactly what he got. So today, I brought out the camera to capture his weekly meeting with the Trash man and got a gem. Jonathan likes to show his trash man his newest trash trucks, and this week was no exception. This week the trash man stopped and told Jonathan that when he started working for the trash company 13 years ago the truck Jonathan was holding was the exact one he drove! In the end he thanked me for letting Jonathan say hi to him every week...said it made his day. I can't explain exactly why that was so touching to me.. but here I see one of the simple beauties of life - a three year old little boy who eagerly awaits seeing "his" trash man round the corner so he can smile and wave... and a grown man, a trash man, who eagerly awaits rounding that same corner to smile and wave at "his" special three year old boy. Just magical.


Laura said...

Aww, that is really sweet!! He will LOVE seeing that when he is older!

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