Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wow.. 2009. I figured a new year warranted a new layout!! I almost didn't write this, because I have no photos to add. Yikes!! Talk about slacking.
For New Years Eve the kiddos spend the night at Grandma Adams' house as they have every year. The tradition is this: If Matt works that night I stay at grandma's with the kids..but if he is off we hang out together. This year Matt was off work so we brought in the new year with rum and coke and some less than desirable champagne. Just a word of caution: The more expensive champagne is not necessarily the better tasting. Stick with the $5 bottle. Or maybe that is terrible advise and I have poor taste. That's for you to decide.
Alissa is back to school this week and we start with life as usual again.. I watch a 2 year old boy from Tuesday - Thursday every week, Ali is in school and ballet, Jonathan has Toddler Time classes Monday and now Triton has obedience classes Wednesday nights.
As for Matt, he recently had to make a tough decision. He decided that working enforcement for the county was just not the right fit for him. He did not come to this decision lightly and it was tough on all of us... but I am so proud of him to do what is right for family first and for himself and his career second. Being back in institutions he will have a lot more flexibility to be with us and not miss so many important events in the kids lives. They have already given him the nod to be Range Master which is a HUGE accomplishment for him!! He will be doing weapons training for the county. What an opportunity! Matt is an unbelievably good marksman and the county recognized this, I am so excited for him!
And an update on the dream house - unfortunately it shall remain just that, a dream. It was just too much for a one income family such as ours. However we continue to view other houses and I am in the process of getting our current house ready to put on the market. Exciting times!


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