Monday, April 14, 2008

More tulip pictures..

I was going through my pictures and just had to add a few more :) Papa came with us.. this is an old fashioned steam tractor. They had them powered up and were driving them around. Jon thought they were great! :)
There were 40 acres of tulips and daffodils.. this multi-colored field was one of my favorites.
It was hard to leave.. this is one of my favorite events of the year.. we might just have to go again because they extended it until April 27th.. Laura - you are going to miss it by just a couple weeks! :( Darn.. maybe next year? Hint hint..
We also visited the Baskett Slough wildlife preserve this weekend and I will share pics of that later. I only took about 50 there, I was slacking.


Laura said...

I will definitely keep that in mind for next year! I keep reading about all the big festivals in my travel books, and it looks like we will miss all of them, oh well -sigh-. Hope your spring cleaning has gotten off to a good start ;)

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