Thursday, June 30, 2011

Funerals, VW Bugs, and Taw Taw inspiration.

Matt lost a good friend last Sunday. Her funeral is today. Cancer is so terrible... He is going to be heading to Tillamook for her funeral to pay his last respects. I didn't know her personally, but from what I heard she was an incredible friend, co-worker, mother (of 7 I believe), and grandmother. She was also a believer and is now safe in His arms.

On a completely separate topic.. Matt wants to buy a VW Bug. I think he would look hilarious driving one of those things. Not a new one, an old and tired one. I love how I can never quite figure him out.. always full of surprises. VW Bug? Hahahaha.. his first choice is a Thing, but apparently you have to pay a lot of money for one of those ugly cars.

So a couple months ago I got a wild hair in a creativity/photography group I am a part of.. unofficially "The Taw Taw's". And I decided that dang it.. I wanna learn to play the guitar. I happen to be blessed with a step-dad who is an amazing guitar player and he said he was willing to show me the ropes. Since then I have been practicing every day until my fingers hurt and my hand shakes..and all that work has paid off! My favorite that I can play now - Blind Melon's No Rain. I can also play "You are my sunshine", "This old man", and "What's Up" -4non Blonde's. It is so relaxing and fun. I am kicking myself for not learning a long long time ago. I want to be able to play camp fire songs for the girl scouts when we go out next year. So I am in the process of learning those now.

I have officially, with this post, posted more in a few days then last year all together. WOOHOO! Going to try and keep it up.


Laura said...

Hahaha, Matt! That is Huh-Larious!

I need a video, woman!

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