Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Well, looks like we will be going it alone for 4 days. Matt will be putting in 32 hours of overtime over the next 4 days. Yikes.. I really don't know how he does it.

In other news :) I thought maybe Alissa was ready to go without naps...I thought wrong. She gets way too loopy. Oh well, it was worth a shot. It's kid of tough because her and Jonathan take naps at the same time, so I don't have any one on one time with Alissa. She is growing up so fast.. I think art skills must skip a generation too, because she is an awesome little artist already. When she paints or colors something, she stays in the lines. Seriously, her artwork is beautiful. I will have to post a picture.

Jonathan is unbelievable. He just turned 10 months and has already figured out how to stand up unassisted. I have a video I will post later. Even though Ali walked at 9 months, it took her FOREVER to learn to stand up without pulling up on something. This guy is going to be a handful :)


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