Thursday, July 26, 2007


Hahaha.. sounds terrible right? Well.. yes and no. First, this is Alissa in her theater class being a scaaaaary monster!! Don't you love the monster claws? I enrolled Ali in her first theater class at AC Gilbert's called "Nursery Rhyme Theatre" and she is having a blast!! I hope she enjoys theater as much as I did.

Curious about the blood? Hehe.. We'll I received a baptism by blood from Jonathan-- Welcome to motherhood with a boy! Jonathan fell face first into a bench and his teeth went through his lip.. youch. He was fine, no doctor needed.. just some cuddles. He had a fat lip last night, but this morning you couldn't even tell he had a spill. So all is well. I survived three and a half years with Alissa without an injury like that one.. boy oh boy it will be interesting with Jonathan.

After class yesterday we picked up "GG" (Matt's Grandma) took take her out to lunch. Lunch ended up being a trip to the beach!! We went to Mo's and chowed down. Afterwords the kids played on the beach. Alissa had a blast!! She chased birds, played in the water, dug in the sand, made me a "hamburger with ice cream on top" from wet sand. It was great!

Jonathan played in the sand for the first time. I had no idea how hard it was to remove sand from a child's mouth -- yikes. He ate half the beach but had a great time doing it. I got lots of pics, I will post them after I load them off my camera.


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