Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Weddings and vomit.

Finally a moment to write!! It has been a busy week. Poor Jonathan has never been so sick.. he did not eat for 5 days and with the vomiting and diarrhea he lost a ton of weight :( My poor baby is so skinny. Just today he finally started eating a little. Nothing but high calorie foods for him for awhile.. Alissa got sick too, but not the puky kind thank God.. she had a high fever (which she gets anytime she is sick) and a stuffy nose. I woke up this morning with a sore throat, which I am NOT complaining about! I am so glad I am not bowing over the toilet. Anyways.. enough of sicko stuff. I have much to catch up on!!

Matt's Aunt Susan came to town last Tuesday from Maryland and will be with us until this Friday. Luckily we were able to spend Tuesday and Wednesday with her before this bug hit. I'm extra grateful we didn't get her sick.. I would have felt terrible!!! Her first night in she requested Hamburger Pie so I whipped it up and brought it to the in-laws house. It was fun hanging out and catching up with her. Alissa thinks Aunt Susan is the greatest -- when we drove away that first night she looked at me and said, "I'm really going to miss Aunt Susan when she leaves Mom".. awww.. Wednesday we got together for tacos and chat and decided Thursday would be a great day for the zoo!! The kids and I were very excited.. and Wednesday night as we were getting ready for bed Jonathan started the puke fest. Oh boy, plan B. So Alissa got to go with her Grandma Davis, Aunt Susan and Bethany to the zoo and she had a blast! They were gone all day and most of the evening. Alissa wanted to sleep over with Aunt Susan and we were more than happy to let her so she didn't get Jon's "sick germs". Friday Jon seemed a little better so we went to the in laws for Matt's famous home-made enchiladas.. yummm..

On to my Saturday adventure! Matt agreed to hang with the kiddos all day so I could go to my third cousin's wedding.. Kate. I left in the morning with my mom and grandma and we drove 3 hours to Washington and had such a great time. The wedding was simple and beautiful. I love small weddings! It reminded me of my own wedding, only less traditional. My mom was the wedding photographer and I got to be the assistant! She brought two fancy cameras and we went to town taking pics. It was great having a purpose and soooo much fun. The drive home was full of adventure (cherry seed spitting, Bridgette mishaps, innocent banter.. and the like).. It was great spending time with my elders :) Hehe.. We even stopped at Alf's in Mcminnville on the way home and got to see the monkey in a diaper and eat yummy sweet potato fries.
To end my adventure I got home at 10 and was told Jonathan was doing ok but seemed tired..great! I picked him up and headed to bed.. laid him down and he promptly puked all over me.. and so it began again.

That brings me to the present.. I am a bit stuffy and my throat hurts a little.. Alissa is stuffy but otherwise normal.. Jon is slowly returning to normal.. and we are supposed to go to the coast tomorrow.. I hope. We will see how everyone is feeling by then. Fingers crossed.

I have been seriously neglecting my poor camera. I need to get some pictures up but have nothing new to share. This is random but Triton is HUGE!! I tried to lift him onto my lap this morning and almost couldn't do it.. I'm sure he is over 60lbs but have no way of weighing him at home because I can't pick him up!! LOL.. Oh.. and he blows bubbles in his water bowl down, how weird is that??? He sticks his whole snout in his dish and blows... WTH?? Love it..



Laura said...

Aww, you call her Bridgette now too!!

I am so sorry to hear about Jon being sick. There is nothing worse than a sick kid!

I want some of those enchiladas...mm-hmm!

Now if only I could get Drew to blow bubbles during his swim class...

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