Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Yard Sale's and Zoo Trips

I really need to catch up! ! Last Saturday Matt and I had our first yard sale! Got rid of a bunch of big stuff and I now have a garage again!! WOO-HOO!
Yesterday Matt returned to academy after a much needed week off and I woke up with absolutely nothing to do. So I looked at Alissa and she at me and I said, "Hey, how about we go to the zoo?" To this she replied, "YESSSS!!" Hmm.. that was easy. So we loaded up the van with snacks and the double stroller and we headed to see the animals.
The kids had a blast!! And I really enjoyed them discovering new things and having fun together.

The funny thing was I think they enjoyed the dinosaur exhibit more than the real animals. Figures I suppose. This picture of them with T-Rex was great, if I had been taking a video you would have seen that right after this shot the T-Rex roared and it was LOUD and both kids panicked just a wee bit.. but no tears!! Hehe... it was great fun.
Here is the official group shot.. we were sitting waiting for a show where we saw a parrot do some paintings. The kids loved that.
Alissa was thrilled that we found the "Tic-Tocking Alligator". Who would have thought he was hiding in the zoo's rain forest??
To finish off the trip the kids each picked out an "Ice-Scream" from the dinosaur exhibit and then we headed home.
We left for the zoo at 11am and left the zoo at 4:00 -- didn't get home till 5:30 fighting traffic the whole way. All in all we had a lot of fun together.. just me and the kids.

In other news.. the kids are eagerly awaiting the birth of their cousin this Friday (or sooner maybe??) Alissa says with absolute certainty that it is a girl. I am curious if she is right!! :) We will see!!!


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