Sunday, August 10, 2008

Jonathan VERSION 2.0

I woke up this morning with a mixture of pride and sadness.

Pride in my son for being such an incredible little person. He is full of energy and love of life, loves sports.. OK, is obsessed with sports. We went mini golfing for the first time Friday and they had clubs his size.. thought he would be more interested in swinging the club like a bat, but he took to golf right away. Is there no sport my little man can't do? I don't think so. The Beijing Olympics started Friday and I wonder if some day Jonathan won't be there. He has the best hand-eye coordination than I have ever seen in one so small. I am also proud when I watch him tackle life obstacles with such self-assurance and "me do it". He has determination and strength beyond his years. I am so proud of all that he has become in two very short years.

As I wrote this I am also a little sad. My baby.. well, he isn't a baby now. I was determined to nurse him for two years, and now we have arrived and I am faced with letting go of this special time and closeness.. and I'm not quite ready yet. I am sad that the day is closer when he will need me less and less. It almost doesn't seem fair that my kids have grown so fast. Jonathan is my last child.. and I just wanted to stretch these baby years a little bit longer, but alas.. the harder you hold on to time the faster it slips through your fingers.

So Jonathan is two years old today. Terrible two's? I don't think so. I will cherish this next year and all of the tantrums and power struggles knowing that when I write Jonathan 3.0 I will never again get the old version back. Knowing that all too soon his "Lu u mama" will turn into, "Love you mom" and his sweet little baby voice will someday be a deep man's voice.

I love you Jonathan.. you are my little man and I hope you never get too old to cuddle in close with mommy. I am so proud of the little boy you are, and the man I know you will someday become. Happy birthday baby.

This morning:


Laura said...

Happy Birthday Jonathan! I hope you guys are doing something fun today =)

(I felt the same way with Drew and nursing...I nursed him a couple extra months, and that helped. By then, I was ready to let go. Although, it was weird, it was the first time in 5 years that I was only nourishing myself and not someone else as well.)

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