Saturday, August 4, 2007


So I gave Jonathan spaghetti yesterday.. think he liked it? Hehe

My mom and I took Jonathan to the fairgrounds for some photo judging. Alissa stayed with Grandpa George. It was a pretty neat experience. For those of you who don't know, my mom started entering photos into the fair a few years back and now she has me obsessively trying to get a photo displayed there as well. It was a real eye opening experience (TUNNEL VISION) to watch the judging. I think we will both do better next year. My "Pull My Finger" photo scored a 16.. pretty low, but not too shabby. It will be interesting to learn how all of our photos scored.

After photos we headed to the Hot August Flights at the Salem airport for good food, too loud live music, and cool planes and cars. WOW I summed that up in one sentence! THAT is talent.. hehe.. We were going to go on a helicopter ride but it was a 2 1/2 hour wait.. ummm.. no thanks. Mom took lots of photos and then we headed out.

We stopped at the carousel for a quick ride -- Alissa rode "Magic" her favorite horned and winged horse. Jonathan rode bench with Grandpa George and I rode "Thunder" -- don't ask why I remember this. After our first ride half of Salem showed up so we decided to get the heck out of there. Besides, by this point it was well into nap time.

Got home.. and Alissa didn't take a nap -- go figure. So she and I hung out while Jonathan slept for 3 hours. When he woke up we went for a bike ride -- fun times. Alissa got a kick out of riding through my neighbors sprinkler and getting misted in the trailer. She also thought it quite hilarious that mommy had trouble getting up the hills.. sigh.. I am way out of shape!!

Alissa is now snoozing away and I am seeing Matt off to work.. tomorrow is Matt's dad's b-day party. Hawaiian themed, should be fun. I hope to sleep in tomorrow.. hopefully the kids cooperate.


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