Let me start by backing up a bit... as always I wait too long to post and I have to catch up!! :)
This past week has been fun, we got to hang out a lot with my good friend Colleen because she had the week off of work.. of course Colleen's daughter Sasha is Ali's best bud so everyone was happy. We spent time at the indoor park and library with them.
Speaking of the library, every week Alissa gets to check out a backpack from the library. They have toddler and preschool backpacks and each one contains three books, a toy, a movie, and a music cd and they are all themed. Last week Ali picked spiders (I know, big surprise) and there was a move (Anasazi or something like that), a cute cd with a ton of fun songs (one being "There's a spider on the floor"), a spider puppet, and three books about spiders. Tooo fun. Anyhow.. all week Bethany has been in the hospital with pancreatitis (I don't feel so bad, even spel checker doesn't know how to fix this one) and I thought it was cute that Alissa chose the hospital themed backpack. It has the usual 3 books and cd, and it is a Curious George movie when Curious George goes to the hospital. I just love that the library offers these.. not only is it easy to grab your books and go, but the kids LOVE that they an wear the backpacks. Ok.. I'm babbling.. sorry.
So Alissa got yet another package from her GG.. it was funny because two things happened different this time.. #1: We saw the package by the front dolor when we pulled up and Alissa started yelling "I GOT SOMETHING FROM GG" over and over.. lol.. she was so excited I was really hoping it was for her!! Hehe.. luckily it was. :) #2: She snatched up the package ran into the house and said, "Mommy, hurry, get your camera so I can open it!!" I about died laughing.. I guess I am a little camera obsessed. Judging from the look on her face, think she liked it??
I don't understand where she gets her love of creepy crawlies, lizards, all those things.. but hey.. go with what works right? She had lots of kisses for the lizard!! :)
Let me fast forward to today. We woke up this morning and Alissa decided she wanted to make breakfast for everyone. Okie dokie.. so she put on her apron and went to work making blueberry pancakes.. yumm..
And when all was done here is the proud chef holding her milk and a pancake.
Of course, I couldn't partake in the pancakes thanks to this silly no carb diet.. but oh well, they looked terrific! You know.. Jonathan gave me a look that really summed up my feelings on skipping all the yummy carbs today.. here it is:
Yep.. that about says it.