Saturday, October 13, 2007


What a treat.. we got to go to the tea house again today. Four generations!! My grandma, my mom, myself, and Alissa. Very cool indeed. Jonathan stayed with Grandma Davis -- I learned my lesson the first time.

When I dropped Jonathan off at Grandma Davis' house a gravel truck arrived to fill their driveway.. what a surprise we got!! The driver got out of the great big dump truck and used a remote control to back it up the driveway. That's right folks, no driver.. we are talking the biggest remote control vehicle you have ever seen. Waaaay too cool. Grandpa was very impressed.. I think if he hits power ball he will probably get himself one. :)

It was cute when I came to pick up Jonathan after our tea, he started signing "bath" to grandma over and over again and pointing to the tub... soooo.. of course grandma gave him his wish. It is so great that he is able to communicate so well. It really cuts down on his frustration and mine.

Life is good.



p.s. Pictures aren't downloading for some reason.. I'll post some later.


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