So I know everyone is just dying to hear about my little moth problem. Hehe.. Well.. since my last post we have only found one or two little moths and promptly turned them to squish-ka-bobs. I think my little moth nightmare is over, although I must confess I will never again look at them the same. I find myself examining the walls everwhere I go for the liitle buggers. I found a couple at the in-law's house and pointed them out. Now my poor mother-in-law is a bit freaked out and planning on cleaning out her drawers quick before it's a problem.
In other news... Jonathan got his chicken pox vaccine on the 26th of September. On October 6th he got a 102 degree fever that lasted two days with a rash at the injection site. GRRR.. I felt like a bad mommy letting him have this shot and then seeing him get so sick. I am really at a loss with this whole vaccine issue. I have friends swearing vax is the devil.. and doctors telling me its just fine. I research and just can't get any straight answer. Ordinarily the chicken pox vaccine would have been given to Jon at 18mths old, BUT I was concerned about the MMR vax so doc said "NO PROB!" he will just switch MMR and chicken pox so I can wait a bit and not need to worry about the MMR. Ooook.. now that I have gone through this with chicken pox, do I let him get the MMR at his 18 mth?!!? Any opinions would be welcome on this subject, because I am really at a loss as to what the best thing to do is.
Alissa update: Alissa got to use mommy shampoo and conditioner a couple days ago for the first time -- and since then has been going up to everyone she knows saying "FEEL MY PRETTY SOFT HAIR!!" It is too cute.
Oh! Sorry about the random thought process, but I have to tell you about the most fun I've ever had eating. Last week, I took Alissa, Jon, Bethany, and "GG" to a place in Dallas called Althea's (I think) Tea House on Jefferson St. What an experience! We had no idea what to expect, but we walk in to this old house and I swear it was like we all became characters in Gone with the Wind. The tables were set with real linen napkins (the frilly kind) and just every detail was really elegant. And maybe I have been living in a cave for too long, but I have never gone anywhere that served tea sandwiches. When they brough our lunch it was served on a tower where the bottom platter was big and had on it the tea sandwiches, middle rox was a bit smaller and had fruit and cheeses, and the top smallest plate had desserts. My favorite thing was when our tea arrived we were told we could chose our tea cups from those sitting on shelves all around the house. So we all picked the cup we wanted from a huge variety of china cups and saucers. I could go on and on.. let me just say it was great. Food was good, experience was better. Of course, it is definately not the place to bring a hungry man.. I think Matt may not have enjoyed the experience like I did.. in fact, unless your man likes to drink his drinks with his pinky finger held out this may not be the place for him. I am going to bring my mom out there this weekend. My one regret was bringing my little man.. love him to death, but not the right environment for a baby... especially one who is practicing to be the next quarterback (you would be amazed how far a strawberry can fly when hurled from his little hand).
Speaking of "GG" -- we recently replaced all of her kitchen lights and light defuser panels to brighten up her kitchen (we being Matt.. I had the bright idea, Matt got stuck with the labor). We also got rid of an old light fixture in her living room and replaced it with something more modern and brighter. It looks sooo much better now! We were concerned that she would get too gloomy her last month in Oregon before retreating to Arizona for the winter. Problem solved!!
Jonathan has a couple new signs: "Hot" (When he sees fire) and "Daddy".. last count he has 16 signs and 14 spoken words... ok, 6 spoken words that others can understand the rest I count but only I know what he is talking about. He is finally starting to get hair too! We thought it would never happen. :)
I will update again soon!
Hahaha!! I love reading your blog! It is too funny, it sounds so SO similar to our house! (With the exception of the moths, thank goodness!) Your tea sounded really fun, we love going to tea and being all fancy!! Drew has really been trying to talk a lot too. I write all of his signed words/spoken words down, but maybe I should count them, it is such a simple thing, why have I never thought of it, hmmm... Anyway, I love that you guys do sign language, we are really into it, too. Hailey is moer into understanding what I am doing rather than speaking to me in sign, and Drew LOVES to sign, he gets so proud of himself. Maybe I should start writing a little note next to the words I write down that he says, though..."Word only I can understand" or "Word that other people can pick out". We were shopping once and he said "dog" in the elevator and this guy was like "well, I have never been called that before, but ok..." It was hilarious. Ok, anyway, so not my blog...sorry!
Ok, so I wanted to leave a separate comment for the vaccine issue. I know my hubby is a pediatrician, but lets put that aside, because I am like the biggest "hippie mama" out there! Sling carrying, breastfeeding till they are two, natural birthing, researching everything, questioning everything, homeschooling, everybody's most hated patient (ok, well not most hated), etc etc. Anyway, the vaccines are the one thing that I won't budge on. I started to research them when Hailey was itty bitty, but sometimes I think I need to look at things a little differently. I see the vaccine issue as one of those that the good far outweighs the bad, and the possible consequences of not getting the vaccines are much much worse than maybe the slight possible side effects of the vaccine. I think that if one of my kids got something later in life that they could have gotten a vaccine for, especially one of the serious diseases that could could cause brain damage or loss of spinal or brain function, or something that they would suffer with for a long time, I would spend the rest of my life smacking myself in the head for not getting the vaccine.
So you wanted opinions, that's mine. I understand that you are concerned with the vaccines, though. I have heard a lot of "bad" stuff about them, but you have to check your resources. A lot of them are not true, I have found. Sometimes people get a little crazy and just start making stuff up and the rumor spreads.
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