Friday, October 19, 2007

Happy Friday.

Today we went to story time where I had a couple experiences I wanted to write about. First off, there was no ASL terp so I finally sucked it up and did it. I have been too chicken in the past, but thanks to some gentle encouragement from Colleen I did it. I interpreted the whole story time.. it was fun! Of course I was nervous and felt completely incompetent but I stumbled through it. Katie was the only deaf mama there and she said I did great :) It was a great experience and I can't wait to do it again so I can gain more confidence. Oh, forgot to mention.. as I am interpreting Jonathan walks up to me and starts frantically signing "milk"... umm.. great timing Jon. Sooo.. being the bashful mama I am...hehe..I let him nurse. So here I am in front of who knows how many people with a baby on my breast interpreting ASL. Sweet.

So as I am leaving the library there are three people standing out front with clip boards gathering signatures. One of them (a man about my age) approached me and said, "Are you pro-choice?" Ooooh boy. So I looked him in the eye (with a baby on my hip and a little girl holding my hand) and said, "I do NOT support the murder of unborn children. Sorry." and then walked away. The look on his face was priceless. He immediately gathered his crew and started telling them what an awful person I was (I know this because I looked back and they were chatting, pointing, and glaring in my direction). I really wish the kids were not with me because I would LOVE to talk with these people and find out what in the world they are thinking. Sigh.. but didn't want a scene with the kiddos in tow. I am usually pretty quiet and reserved in these situations, but lately I have had a bit of an awakening(POWER TO THE PEOPLE) and I am tired of being the silent majority. Bring it on.

After the library we headed to "GG"'s house. We all went out to lunch at Bert's, then went to Safeway and the post office. After running those errands we hung out at "GG"'s house and played. It is so cute to see "GG" and Alissa interact. Alissa really loves her great-grandma. It was so funny because Alissa convinced "GG" to have a picnic and take a nap with her... under the dining room table!! Hehe.

We headed home in the evening to wake up Matt for another long shift at the jail. When he headed out we called Papa and invited him over to play. Fun stuff. We are off to the pumpkin patch (yes the third time) tomorrow morning. I better get some sleep!


Laura said...

That is so great, interpreting!! Woohoo!! What stories did they read? I would probably look like a total dork if I tried to do that! It is too funny imagining you up there nursing and signing. I bet Jon's head was bouncing all over! ;)

April said...

:) The stories were all fall related -- one about a little girl chacing after a yellow leaf, and one about a pumpkin growing from a seed. And yes.. Jon was bouncing a bit.. thank God he didn't let go LOL now THAT could have been embarassing!!

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