Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I'm typing one handed right now. Why? Well.. Alissa and I made corn muffins tonight. I went to take them out of the oven with my handy dandy oven mitt.. and I got burned THROUGH the oven mitt!!! What the heck?? Sigh.. so my fingertips are blistered on my left hand -- lucky me!! Enough gripes :) On with the day.. Got some potentially great news!! I got a job!! YIPPEE!! I'm going to be babysitting a friend's 2 year old little boy. I called her today and asked how much she was paying for daycare and told her I was researching because I needed to make some extra cash for awhile.. then she suggested I watch him! Cool.. that was easy. So we are going to meet tomorrow evening to iron out the details. What a blessing!! It definitely helps my stress level to know I will be able to bring some income into the family while Matt is in training. Jonathan has a few new words, most notable: "Wheelie" My moms dog!! lol.. The kids stayed at my mom's last night while I went to ASL class and when I went to pick them up Jonathan was just saying "Wheelie" over and over. LOL.. he loves that dog. He also started saying no by shaking his head.. allll the time. My dad was holding him and I said, "Wanna come see mommy?" And he shook his head "NO!" Hehe.. I just know he will start chattering soon.. I love this age!! Learning so many things every day. Alissa insisted tonight that we have soup.. ok.. odd request from her. So I made chicken noodle soup. Then it all made sense!! She wanted to pick up the bowl and slurp it up like the Beast in Beauty and the Beast... lol. Fun times. This is a bit scattered, but oh well.. Jon is cutting a couple more molars and he has not been a happy camper about it. Craaaaanky boy. Sigh.. I'm glad this teething thing only happens once. I am NOT looking forward to the teeth falling out thing, yikes. It seriously gives me the willies watching teeth wiggle around. BLAH. I used to dream my teeth were falling out, umm.. wonder what THAT means? Haha.. luckily I haven't had a bad dream since I can remember.. in fact I think I have had nothing but pleasant dreams since being a momma. Maybe its because since becoming a momma I have always had at least one angel sleeping next to me. :) You know, on that note.. it's kind of funny. When I was preggo w/Alissa I had a crib set up and had everything planned in my head.. how she would sleep in her own room and all. Umm.. The first night in the hospital she slept in that little bassinet thing until a nurse snuck in and tried to take her to the nursery -- YIKES -- I panicked and form that moment on (until she was about 2 1/2 lol) Alissa slept safe at my side. The crib was a nice ornament, but never used. I think she napped in there one time? Oh well. So when I was preggo with Jonathan I no longer lived with these false illusions and sold the crib :) I think I might have done things differently if Matt didn't work graveyard.. but not having him here at night, why the heck not? I am amazed how much my plans changed from my pre-momma plans. There are other things I do and have done that I never thought I would.. but that's for another blog.. my one hand is getting tired. LOL. I do want to add one more thing. We went to the indoor park this morning and it was such a great trip. Alissa and Spencer played together wonderfully! It was so nice to see her and her cousin getting along.. they have had a few squabbles in the past and I just can't say enough how great it was to watch them play together (even if it was fairly brief, they are kids you know). Soooo much more happened today, but I need a break.. until next time.


Anonymous said...

You will have to write a book, you know?

Laura said...

I am so sorry to hear about your hand =( Burns suck!
I am amazed that you made it till 2 and a half with Alissa! I had to kick Hailey out of our bed after a year and a half, but I guess with 3 in a queen sized bed, there just wasn't enough room. Since we've been back from AZ, she has started sneaking in with us again, though =) Usually after daddy leaves for work, or earlier if he is on call. Hey, I've got the room, what difference does it make! Anyways, I hear ya on all the mommy stuff. (As always ;)

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