Friday, December 7, 2007

Christmas is in the air.. part 2

Matt and Alissa finished hanging the Christmas lights yesterday..This is Alissa trying to touch Frosty..

And Alissa putting the finishing touches on the lights on the bushes.

After hanging the lights, Ali and Daddy cleaned up all the sticks that blew off of our tree during the wind storm..

I was a little camera happy yesterday :) After the clean up Ali and Daddy watched Aladdin. I swear they look so much alike it is scary, and they both turn to zombies when watching

As soon as the zombies realized I was taking their picture:

ROFL.. I love it. Of course I can't leave well enough alone, so I tried for another picture of Matt.. I got a "talk to the foot" :)

And just because I don't want to leave Jonathan out, this is him the same day playing with his favorite "ball" -- one of Matt's bobbers. Note the dirty shirt -- he had just enjoyed his first powdered donut :) He was thrilled.

We went to story time this morning at the public library. I am so proud of Alissa!! She has turned into the most social kid I have ever seen. She literally rounds up the other little girls her age and gets them to play games with her. LOL.. She is a natural leader and I think that is so cool. She is a very confident and creative little girl. So for all of those out there who said attachment parenting would create a shy/introvert/stuck on mom kid -- WRONG. :) By never letting her CIO (cry it out), allowing her to nurse on demand until 22 months, letting her sleep with mommy until she one day (at about 2 1/2) came up to me and said "I'm a big girl now mommy, I'm going to sleep in my own bed", and other attachment parenting mumbo jumbo -- I didn't create a monster after all. Goes to show you should listen to your own mommy instincts and do what you think is right. Phooey on the mainstream.. don't just go with the flow because you think you have to. Do what YOU think is right as a parent..whatever craziness that might be ;) OK.. rant over. I have made mistakes (lots of them) but overall I think I've done ok, and I hope my kiddos agree.


Laura said...

I definitely agree. Hailey was attached to me and I never wanted to let her go. If I take her someplace to play, she could care less about leaving me. She just runs away, never even saying goodbye =( She has no problems going to any of her classes by herself...oh well. She is happy =)

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