Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Eve

Hehe.. this video is Alissa doing the "monkey dance". It has been awhile since I have been able to post videos, and now that it is working again I will post them more often. This was "filmed" by my digital camera this morning. Alissa was in her pjs and wearing the rock necklace she made this summer. Since seeing the Nutcracker Ballet with Grandma Davis a couple weeks ago she has wanted to be a ballerina. And thanks to Santa bringing her some ballet slippers she dances all around the house. I absolutely LOVE this age.. and every other age.. why is it that whatever age the kids happen to be is always the best at that time? Maybe that's some weird parental brain wiring so you don't go bonkers :)

While I am waiting for this video to upload (it takes FOREVER), how about a Jonathan update? He has been using the potty more and more but only for #2. I finally broke down and bought some pull ups because otherwise it is a real pain getting those diapers off and on. The smallest size pull ups are too big for him.. oh well.. I make it work.

On to New Year stuff!! As I type this my kids are both at Grandma Adams house. She is very very kind and very very brave because they are going to both spend the night. It will be Jonathan's first night away from mommy. I have worked hard the last couple weeks to night ween him so he won't need my milk while he is gone.. sigh.. it is so hard to leave them but Matt and I really need some "us" time. I remember the first time Alissa spent the night away from home.. I cried like a baby!! Pitiful I know. No tears this time, I guess I am maturing in my motherhood. ;) I doubt very much that I will sleep tonight. We shall see.

As for a New Years resolution.. oh boy this one is worn out, but I am going to lose 10 pounds. Starting tomorrow it is back to my low carb routine. I lost 30 and gained back 10, so its time to reclaim my figure :) The good thing is it shouldn't take long, I'm betting a month. Matt's resolution: "To buy more guns". Hahaha.. so he says, so he says.

Here is a cute brother and sister video.. Jonathan is always copying everything Alissa does.

Notice the look on Ali's face when Jon screams? The "Uh-oh.. hope I'm not in trouble" look. Priceless.



auntie said...

Love the videos! What adorable babies!GG

Laura said...

The dance is too funny, I love how she was saying, "see, see". Hope you guys had a great New Year!

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