Sunday, March 23, 2008


Oh man oh man, ready for some melt your heart pictures?!
That could be our baby and his momma.. here are the two boys -- one is ours!! A light and dark brindle!!
Here is a face shot..
Ok ok.. I will make a separate puppy blog soon or he is going to be all I talk about here!! :) :) Sooo excited..
On a sad note.. one of the fawn boy puppies died yesterday!! One of the dangers with large dogs -- he got stepped on by his mom!! Yikes.. poor baby had internal bleeding and didn't make it. :( I was just thinking that could have been my boy!!!!! Thanks goodness they are both ok.. anyhow.. I'm off.. I have a TON more Easter pics from Grandma's house to upload.. I will try and get to that tomorrow. Until then..


Laura said...

Your puppy is very cute! How sad though about the other puppy. =(

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