Sunday, March 9, 2008

Where NOT to go to eat..

So Matt and I went out to dinner tonight and picked the WRONG place!! Grrr.. we decided to go to Thompson's.. we arrived at 5:15 and got our food at.. not 6..but 7:15!!!! ARRGGHH!! Does it get much worse? Hmm.. nope I don't think so. Very frustrating and the food wasn't all that great. Sigh.. live and learn.

On a lighter note, we just got done preparing for Matt's big swearing in ceremony tomorrow morning. I am so proud of him!! He has worked hard and come a long way. I promise to get pictures to post as soon as possible.

Thanks to daylight saving time we jumped the clocks an hour forward yesterday meaning tomorrow morning is going to feel reeeeaaaall early for us. I have to have everyone fed dressed and ready to leave the house at 8:30..this will be quite an undertaking for a family used to waking up at 8 o'clock at the earliest!! (Except poor Matt who has to be at work at 6am). It's worth it ;)

Here is a quick pic of Alissa before school last week.. I loved the outfit she picked.. very Punky Brewster! :)


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