Saturday, May 10, 2008


We went to a Sesame Street Live yesterday and had a blast!! :) It was a pretty late show (Started at 7 ended about 8:45) but luckily our kiddos usually don't go to bed until 9 (ok ok or 10) anyhow. Here is a quick video "free sample" as Ali would call it, to give you an idea of the show. It was very well done.

When we walked by the overpriced souvenir table Jonathan started going bonkers.. he saw a ball. Sigh.. he really wanted this ball. It's equivalent to any lady walking by a jewelry store and seeing a beautiful diamond ring, seriously he loves them that much. Speaking of diamonds, I'm wondering if they hid a diamond in the middle of this cute little plush ball.. if not they should have for the price we paid for it. During intermission a man walked into the coliseum with a HUGE bunch of Elmo head helium balloons and Alissa promptly went crazy "Mommy I want a balloon!!" Hmm.. ok, I think.. how much could they possibly charge for a balloon? I take Alissa and we wait in line for the Elmo head. We start to get closer to the balloons and I clutch a five dollar bill in my hand figuring, surely they can't charge more then THAT, right? HA! A lady walked by and I politely asked her how much she paid for her lovely balloon.. $8!!!! What!? When my heart resumed it's normal rhythm I got down on m knees and had a little talk with Alissa hoping she would "See the light". I said something to the effect of, "Alissa, we can get you this balloon that you really want.. but it will only last a short time and then it will no longer float and it will be all gone. Or.. we can go out to the souvenir table and you can pick something that will last FOREVER!! (Ouuus and aawws inserted here)." Thank goodness my daughter has some what of a grasp on forever and she took the bait. We happily skipped off to the souvenir table to see what they had. Alissa looks at the goodies and says, "Mommy I want that stuffed Elmo!!" *Cough* You mean the stuffed Elmo I could buy at WalMart for $5 that they want $25 for?!?! AAHH!! .. but wait .. they have a cool spinning Elmo that lights up for a mere $15.. this is MUCH more neat because it SPINS!! Right?! Right?! Luckily she agreed. I apologize I always ramble a bit while waiting for these videos to load. :)

In other news.. why am I sitting here blogging instead of picking up my long awaited puppy?? Sigh.. see Triton's blog for an explanation.


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