Friday, May 23, 2008

Triton is coming!!

Oh so much to blog about and so so little time. We have been busy preparing for Triton's homecoming -- this dog is going to eat better then we are ;) He will be getting vitamin c, sea meal, flax oil, and yucca supplements. It helps that I started my job with Nutro and got a ton of free dog and cat food!! :) I will just be working on the weekends for 4 hours at a time. I am excited to make some money and the kids are excited to spend some quality time with daddy and/or grandma. So far I have had my basic training and I just need to do my shadowing and then I am on my own! What a fun job, I get to meet pets and talk with owners about nutrition. Fun fun.

In other news, Matt and I bought a car yesterday and ditched the truck *FINALLY*!! We now have a 2001 Honda Civic and LOVE IT! Awesome gas mileage and overall great car.. sure beats the 81' Honda Civic.. hahaha..

If you want to see a recent picture of Triton check out his blog -- tomorrow I should have new pictures from HOME!! YIPPEE!!

I'll check back in soon.
In the meantime.. sibling love..


Michelle said...

such an adorable picture!

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