Sunday, May 11, 2008

What is being a Mommy?

Being a Mommy means being silly together..
It means having fun and smiling, even when Mommy makes you put stuff on your face.. It means watching siblings get to know and love one another... It means watching them grow even when you might not be quite ready for it...
It means watching first steps... and praying they don't fall down.

It means getting wet..

It means preparing many meals for chubby cheeks angels...
Being a mom means fostering teamwork...It means extra cuddles when they are sick.. It means waking up early Christmas morning and grabbing the video camera because you don't want to miss a single moment, a single smile, you want to treasure this forever because they grow so fast... It means loving someone more than you could ever imagine possible. And wondering how it is that you are ever going to let them go..


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