Thursday, May 8, 2008

Quick update..

I just dropped off Alissa at preschool and I am going back to meet with her at 10:30 for "Mommy Day"! I was told Alissa might have made me a surprise :) I thought I would take this time while Matt is playing basketball with Jon in the backyard to update this thing.. hehe..
So Alissa's first and second swim class were AWESOME! They are practicing holding their breath under water, swimming by themselves holding a body board both on their back and front, their "big kid" arm strokes.. and much more! Talk about kicking it up a notch, she is doing great and loves her new "boy" teacher. He is really great with the kids and you can tell they adore him (he is probably in his late teens, although I am a terrible judge of age I just know he is much younger than I am). There are five kids in the class so he has his hands full.
Jonathan is just talking up a storm now.. understands everything.. and is really just a little boy now, where did my baby go?? He has crossed the line on obsession with basketball and I am wondering how I will possibly be able to wait until his birthday to get him his own basketball hoop.. hmm.. we will see.
Saturday we are picking up our new family member so I have been busy puppy-proofing the house. Luckily we will have an X-Pen so he will be confined when we are not home and can't eat the walls like some OTHER dog I know.. a-hem. Live and learn.
Alissa is getting VERY anxious to play with Hailey!! We went to GG's yesterday and got some shopping done to prepare for company and I can't tell you how many times Alissa said, "Mommy, when will that girl Hailey be here? She's four right? Is she coming now? When when when?" Something to that effect. She filled up a little toy box with her favorite toys for Hailey and her to play with and brought it to GG's house. Too cute.


Laura said...

Aww, that's so sweet! She put in her favorite toys?! Hailey is very excited too. She has already drawn a picture for Alissa with both of them holding hands. She tells everybody, I am going to Oregon and my cousin will be there and she's four like me and...etc. Tuesday will be exciting! I can't believe we only have 2 days!

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