Thursday, May 29, 2008

Last day of preschool...

I have been seriously neglecting this blog!! Yikes. It has been busy with Triton home now, you can check his blog for more on that. It's a good thing I started a separate one or you would be bombarded with pictures of him here!! :)

Today was Alissa's last day of school and we had a BBQ. It was lots of fun and I will miss that school, but Creative Discoveries will be a much better fit. Found out that Jonathan will be in the Toddler Time class with me on Monday's while Ali is across the hall in preschool. So that means every Monday I will be across the hall from her in school and then 3-4 days a month in the classroom with her. I love that it is so parent involved!! Can't wait!! Oh, the best part is that the Toddler Time class is normally $100 per session (10 weeks I think) but they are waiving Jon's tuition because I am going to interpret for a deaf family that will be in class with us. That will be perfect because I can practice my ASL and Jon gets free class -- what could be better?!

Matt started academy Monday and it is going to be a long 16 weeks for him. He gets there at 6am and hasn't been getting home until 8. Very busy guy.

I started my weekend job with Nutro -- that has been a ton of fun. I get to meet new people and pets and spend 4 hours in the grown up world while the kiddos hang with Matt or grandma. Very nice indeed.

Think that is all for now. :)


Laura said...

Hahaha...Hailey and Drew love that bike game. They BEG and PLEAD to ride it everytime we hit the toy store. Hailey would go crazy if she saw this picture and realized the kids had it and she didn't get to play it =)

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