Saturday, July 16, 2011

Jugglers, parades, and infections - OH MY!

On Wednesday I brought the kidlets to the library to see a juggling show. Little did know it would be hil-ar-i-ous. The guy was a crack up and an amazing juggler. The kids loved the show.. and more then once Alissa looked at me and asked what was so funny. I love when they can mix adult humor in that goes way over the kiddos heads.

In other news.. yesterday was Alissa's long awaited parade. As in - she has been planning this for about 6 months. So we dug the o' wagon out of the garage and the kids decorated it. Alissa also insisted that we throw candy.. so Matt went out and bought a bag full for them. We headed out to Bush Park bright and early and met up with Ali and Jon's preschool group. Creative Discovery - Best. School. Ever.

The parade was a success.. both kids had a blast. Mom was stinkin tired. Which brings us to my third topic..
I have been fighting a yucky infection that started with a hair folicle. I am sparing the details here but I will say it is no fun. Trying to entertain the kidlets while feeling like poo is not so great. I took them to the theater to see Rio (awesome movie, too cute) and had them running around in the indoor park on Thursday all in an attempt to entertain with minimal mommy effort... I'm just not up to it yet. Went back to the doc yesterday where they piled on more antibiotic and other things.. Is this just part of getting older? All of a sudden a simple thing that my 20 year old body would laugh at and kick its butt.. but my 30 year old self just rolls over and cries. HAHaha.. Anyhow.. today Papa is coming over to entertain so I can hibernate. And on we march in this parade called life.


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