Saturday, July 30, 2011

Don't put that on the blog! Insanity! BLOOD!

Sitting at the table eating dinner and I look up to see Alissa doing this... looking a bit more serious and focused (I grabbed the camera to document so in this shot it's more posed). Anyhow.. back to the point. What do you think she was doing? That's the million dollar question. This little girl wearing the "I Believe in Magic" shirt, eating a "daddy burrito" and looking out the window. (By the way I told her I was taking a picture to document this momentous occasion and she yelled, "MOM! Don't put that on the blog! hehe). Before I tell you.. here is the guy on the other side of the table -
What he is doing is a bit more obvious. Can you guess? Okay okay.. that's too obvious. Jon is just being a boy.
Today we went to Costco. On a Saturday. I think that has to be the definition of insanity. Apparently half of Salem and all of our neighboring towns are insane. They were all there with us. We went with Grandma Adams and had lunch of Costco pizza and hot dogs - YAY! Then back to her house for some R&R and my new favorite show - "Chopped". Loved the heck out of it. At some point during the show Jonathan was on my lap and I notice his hand is red.. hmm..then one glance at his face and holy cow we had a bloody nose. Cleaned him up and life was good. Alissa was busy decorating a giant box in the living room and turning it into a house.
You want to know what Alissa was doing? I didn't forget.. just got side tracked. Anyone guess by now? I doubt it. You see Alissa was looking out the window like that and... *drum roll* controlling the trees with her fingers. Yep. Making the branched move back and forth just like her finger. Magic. Beautiful. I am glad to have this blog at my fingertips again.. because I never..ever..want to forget moments like these.

And while you have the camera out Mom..take a picture of this!!
Mom! Mom! Over here! Take a picture of this!


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