Friday, July 1, 2011

What the HECK am I thinking?????

I mean really... I must be off my rocker. An idea has been bouncing around in my head for years.. every now and then it whispers to me. Every time it whispers I laugh it off and run for the hills. Not this time. How could I just yesterday give a friend the advice - "if it scares you it NEEDS to be done for this is how we grow"..and then ignore my own words? I am standing at the door of the airplane, altitude has been reached, this is MY time.. solo.. no one strapped to my back to push me out. I have to make this step. Only this step isn't one that will take me down to free fall to the earth, this step will take me back in time. To places I have long tried to forget but that still whisper to me. To my past.
I am going to write a book. Oh my.. just typing those words makes my chest tight with fear. You see, I love books. I treasure books. I idolize those who can write books. I have said countless times that I count NEVER in a million years create such an amazing thing.. as a book. Short stories? Sure. A book? Forget it. So here I go.. I think in reality I have been writing this book in my head for some time. Oh and if you have been a part of my life don't worry. You won't see your name in the story.. or mine for that matter. Will I even try and publish? Not ready to think about that. But there is a story in my head that needs to be written. And God willing it may some day earn the distinct honor of becoming a real honest-to-gosh book.
This really does scare the heck out of me.. so here I go.. I'll try not to pull the cord too early.

Until next time...

I have some writing to do.


Laura said...

Ooh, super fun! Are you going to divulge (even to me ;) the subject matter of this book? If you ever want it criticized, I mean looked at, lol, when you're done for publishing, I know a great book doctor/author =)

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