Saturday, July 2, 2011

A post in which I balance precariously on my soap box...

I was just reading a friends posting about her new tattoo and it really got me thinking. I wonder why we are always so worried about what others think about us? How much power do we give the opinion of our peers when it comes to the decisions we make in our own lives? It should be that we make our decisions based on our own values and belief systems and we should be PROUD if these decisions are made for the right reasons. But it's not that simple is it? We are constantly calculating what we do and say for the benefit of how we appear to other people.. instead of just being TRUE to ourselves. On the flip side of that coin, do you often find yourself judging others? What a vicious cycle.
This morning I hung my photographs at Grand Vines downtown. I watched my friends and fellow photographers as they did likewise and was so proud of each and every one of them. They are putting their creations in front of strangers knowing that every person will be judging what they see. Good, bad, or ugly. Those photos now hang there as an open invitation for admiration, critique, or indifference. And all those who put their work on the wall know this. And they did it anyway. I applaud that, especially because I know it is more difficult for some then others.
If only we could hang our decisions, our thoughts, our opinions, our lives..all of that.. if we could hang all of that up for others to see.. with the same acceptance that it will not always be admired.. sometimes critiqued.. mostly go unnoticed. And who really cares? If it is something you feel to be the right thing, hang it up for all to see. Be proud of who you are, what you have done and what you believe in. And allow others that same courtesy. It's the right thing to do.
Oh.. and come to Grand Vines first Wednesday, July 6th some time between 5-8 (shameless plug hahahaha).

Ya, until next time..


Laura said...

I am a horrible, awful judger...I will admit it.

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