Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas is in the air..

Since I last posted it snowed here.. ok, so nothing stuck but we got to see big snow flakes and Alissa thought that was just great. From snow to rain and a wind storm that just passed. Ahh I love this time of year.
This Picture is Alissa getting her first look at the snow flakes coming down.

This is right after her first peek of snow, she insisted on running outside in her pjs to catch snowflakes.

We have tried to stay indoors as much as possible the last couple of days... not fun going out in a storm with two kids let me tell you. So we made the best of it here. Alissa and I made pumpkin bread muffins for Matt to bring to work and they were a big hit.

Speaking of Matt's work.. apparently a certain SOMEONE we know got some good news.. and we still haven't heard from this SOMEONE (you know who you are). HINT HINT

Anyways :) Today we took Bethany out shopping for a few hours and braved the storm. I was desperate for some groceries and we all needed to get out of the house. While we were out Alissa says, "Mommy, let's go play at Grandma Davis' house!" I say, "Grandma is sick sweetie." She replies, "Ok Mommy, let's go play at Grandma Adam's house." Again.."Sorry baby, Grandma Adams has work she needs to get done." then I get, "Mommy, can we go see GG now, or is it still too cold?" LOL.. at least she gets that it is too cold here for GG, but I think she still imagines GG is at her house and just refuses to go out because of the weather.. too funny. Got to give her points for trying.

Matt has his physical tomorrow and then another psych test and hopefully we will know more about this new job and when he is going to finally hit the road. Apparently his co-workers at the jail are trying hard to get him to stay.. hehe.. sorry guys.. no dice. He might eventually go back, but I doubt it.

Oh! On our "snow" day we got another surprise in the mail!! THANK YOU GG!! :) GG sent some books and included was a book for Alissa and Jonathan.. Yet again Alissa was a happy camper and promptly insisted we read the book over and over again. Here is a picture of Jonathan reading the book. Note that he has on my he loved to take it off my head and wear it and he says "Pretty" (one of his new words). He is going to give me grief some day for these pictures.. but it's too much fun!!

This last picture shows off Jonathan's new teeth. He has 8 teeth up front and 4 new molars. And yes, he is trying to eat my hair thingy. :)


Laura said...

Yay, snow!! How fun! Aww, I love that the kids have so many grandparents around to play with.

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