Saturday, February 16, 2008

Being the unselfish mom that I am..

I decided it would be nice to share my little virus with Alissa. My poor baby has a cough and is all conjested. This virus has been a real pain to get rid of for me, I am still sniffly and sneezing and this whole ordeal started on the 6th.. yikes. I suppose I shouldn't worry too much -- kids tend to get over these things fast.
I wanted to share this video.. it's funny because I have been meaning to capture this moment for a long time and when I finally grab the camera I got a little more then I bargained for. I should explain this first - -on PBS there is a show called "It's a Big World" and at the end of every show the sloth sings a song and puts his paw up to the tv screen singing, "Give me five" and every time both kids get all excited and run up to the screen to give him five. Totally adorable so I wanted to get it on camera. Well.. as I said things didn't quite work out this time.. my poor baby boy -

Valentine's day was fun. Matt had the day off and in the morning got to go to school with Ali for "Daddy Day". Alissa wore her, "He's not just my Daddy he's my Hero" shirt :) Very cute. They made heart cookies and decorated them together to give to mommy. Yummmy. Alissa also made a frame with her picture in it for me. It's so great being a mommy. For our special evening treat we celebrated V-day with pizza (Paddington's -- the BEST!) and a movie. We piled everyone into bed and watched Ratatouille. It's a good thing we have a king sized bed :). That night Alissa wasn't feeling good and was coughing a lot so we let her snooze with us and got the humidifier going. Al in all it was the perfect night. Is there better way to spend the day of love than with your family snuggled up in bed watching a good movie? I can't think of one.


Laura said...

Absolutely not! I wish I could spend lots of days just cuddled up in bed with my family =) I'm glad Ali had a good daddy day at school. You're so brave sending her off to school on her own...I'm not ready for that yet, I like to be there!

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