Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It's a's a plane. .it's a virus?

You know... I was just looking back at my pictures and realized I have no pics of me and both kids.. I will have to remedy that soon! I love Alissa's eyes in the above picture -- that famous soulful look of hers.
So I am kind of bummed.. next week is my birthday and I feel a winter cold coming on today -- grrrr.. I hope I can fight this one off. Lots of vitamin C and I bought some delicious echinachia tea. I am more worried about getting the kids sick -- it is going to be a busy week next week for Alissa!! She starts swim classes and has "Daddy Day" at preschool that she is really looking forward too!! Yikes.. We paid our dues last winter -- hopefully we have some immunity to everything by this time. We will see.
And just for fun.. here is Jonathan being a goof. I will have to dig up the famous Ali picture where she is wearing glasses about this age and post them side by side!! (Hint hint Mom!! I need that pic!)


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