Saturday, February 2, 2008

Finally some good snow..

I forgot to post these.. last week we got some awesome snow!! Above is Alissa's first snowman! She named him Frosty, go figure.

The kids had a blast!! Here is my favorite video of the day. Jonathan's new favorite word -- SNOW!! All day he would grab his boots and run to the door screaming, "SNOW" it was too cute. He absolutely LOVED playing in the snow.

I never did post about Alissa's school experience. She had a great time and was all smiles. I was glad Matt had the day off so he could come with us to drop her off and meet the teacher. He was impressed with the school. While Alissa enjoyed her first day of school we went and got our taxes done -- YEAH US. Hehe.. anyhow.. when we picked up Alissa she had just finished show and tell. I asked the teacher how she did and she told me that a few times she seemed a bit lost because she didn't know the routine yet, but she did just great. Mrs. Kruse (the teacher) said it was so cute because as soon as we left Alissa approached her all serious and said, "Would you like me to teacher you sign language?" LOL.. that's my girl!! Teaching the teacher on her first day. Too good. When we got home from school she was wiped out.. went right to her room and snoozed for 2 hours. We are normally late risers, so I think getting up early plus all the excitement of school wiped her out. She still naps occasionally but she can do without.

Tonight sometyhing strange and wonderful happened -- both kids were in bed and asleep by 8:30, my house is clean, and I have nothing to do. Wow. Let me just soak this up a minute. :) Poor Matt had been at work since 6 am and won't get off until 11pm.. brutal. He does the same thing tomorrow. I really don't know how he does it. It's funny I was warned many times that it was hard being a law enforcement family and there were long hours, blahblahblah.. and you know what? They were right.. it sucks sometimes.. but really he is so good at what he does I am glad he found a career that is a good match.

ps.. spell checker isn't working and I don't have the energy to reread this to see if I goofed.. so sorry ;)


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